Human Actions and Things Dogs Don’t Like

We believe that all dog owners love their dogs and want them to be happy and healthy all the time. They want their dogs to be well groomed so they also take assistance from pet grooming services and veterinary clinics instead of DIY grooming services. 
Sometimes, it’s very difficult for them to tackle their dogs’ moods because they actually can’t understand what their dog is feeling. Just like human beings, dogs also have some likes and dislikes. When something annoys them, they eventually react to the situation. 
Let’s get knowledge about the factors which annoy your dog and ways to avoid them.

crazy pets dog

1. Surprise Parties:

Unlike humans who are fond of good surprises, dogs hate surprises like birthday parties and get-togethers. They love their daily routines and if get something out of their routine they may panic or stressed. It’s an expert guide to avoid giving your dogs frequent party surprises to prevent stress. 

2. Loud Noise 

Some dog owners consider it funny when their dogs jump at the loud music beats. They think their dog’s jumps are a sign of enjoyment but this is not real. Dogs always feel scared of loud noise and get it as a negative alarm. Avoid, unnecessary loud music to make your dog feel relaxed. 

crazy pet dog

3. Hugging

It’s very normal for human beings to show their affection to someone by hugging, kissing or patting. But, dogs don’t like unexpected hugs or touching that’s why they screech instantly when they get hugs or patting on their face. 

 man talking yo dog

4. Talking to Them 

According to the research on dogs’ cognition, dogs understand human gestures more than speech. Don’t make your dog feel stressed by giving them instructions by only speaking to them, rather, try to instruct or communicate in a non-verbal language. Communicating through gestures and emotions along with speech won’t make them confused. 

5. Leaving Alone

Just like humans animals also have phobias. Dogs feel scared and stressed when they are left alone in the home. This causes depression and simultaneous changes in the behaviour of the dog. It is advice to all dog owners to not leave their dogs alone in the home, but rather choose some pet day care for the healthy lifestyle of their dog.

6. Punishments

Harsh punishments are a way of letting your dog away from you emotionally. Don’t be rude to your dog. Dogs can get you from your emotions and being harsh to them can make them aggressive and stubborn. Don’t spank your dog and never yell at them in any way

7. Gifting New Toys 

When you gift your dog with a toy with which your dog is not familiar, it will upset the dog. Dogs get panicked when they are put in some unwanted situation. Don’t force it to play with the new toys if it feels uncomfortable to do so.

8. DIY Grooming

Dog owners want to pamper and groom their dogs by themselves. They try nail clipping, bathing and fur trimming by themselves. It is advised to take professional dog grooming services instead of trying DIY grooming. 

9. Being Ignored

Dogs always die for attention. Pet animals are always attention seeker and they can’t bear being ignored by their owner. They want full pampering and care. So, never ignore your dog habitually, it affects their mental health.